What is the history of European union-united kingdom?
In 1951: “inner six” European countries (Belgium,
France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands and West Germany) are signed the “Treaty of Paris” to form the European
steel and coal community (ECSC)
In 1957: 25th March “The Treaty of Rome” was
signed by the “inner six” countries and the treaty brought about to creation of
European economic community(EEC) and European Atomic community that best known
as European communities(EC). In 1963, UK
applied to join in EEC.
In 1967: United Kingdom again applied to join in European
Economic Community, but French president, Charles de Gaulle vetoed Britain’s
application second time . he said to the other partners in the community that
if they impose British membership on France it would result in the break-up of
the community.
In 1972: After de Gaulle relinquished the French presidency.
Britain successfully joined in the European Economic Community. Conservative
party prime minister Edward heath signed the “treaty of accession”. On 1st
January 1973, Britain becomes member in European Economic Community with the
Denmark and Ireland.
In 1974: UK general election, Labour party came up with
commitment to renegotiate Britain’s terms of membership of EC. And with the new
terms weather the Britain continued or leave EC are asked by the people, to
hold referendum. Labour party won the election and first nation referendum On 5
June 1975 was favour to stay with EC with the 67.2% of electorate.
In 1983: This time in 1983 general election, labour party
campaigned a commitment to withdraw from the EC without referendum. After
labour party heavy defeat in election they changed its policy.
In 1985: In 1985 the government ratified
the Single European Act, without a referendum. This is the first revision to the Treaty of
In 1990: United Kingdom joined the European exchange
rate mechanism (ERM), under pressure from the senior ministers. Thatcher
resigned as Prime Minister the following month.
In 1992: Italy and United
Kingdom were forced to withdraw from the ERM, because the pound sterling and
lira came under pressure, September 16, 1992 also known as "Black Wednesday".
In 1993: The MAASTRICHT Treaty, formally the Treaty on
European Union (EU). After this treaty economical union also becomes political
union. The member countries of this union have common foreign and security
policy and also cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs.
In 1997: Referendum party(RP) was formed by Sir James Goldsmith
in 1994. In 1997 UK general election the referendum party manifested on a
platform of providing a referendum on the nature of the United Kingdom's
relationship with the EU. The party was failed in this election. After goldsmith’s
death the party was disbanded. In 1993, UK independence party (UKIP) and
Euro sceptic political party are also formed.
In 2014: Since 1993 the UK independence party developed in
the masses, in 2014 UKIP won two by-elections by defeating the conservative
party. This is the first time in the UK history a political party other than the Labour
and conservative party won the election.
In 2012, the Prime Minister David Cameron rejected the call
for UK’s membership in EU. The rise of UK independence party, under pressure of
party MP’s he was agree for the referendum before the end of 2017.
In a speech to the
House of Commons on 22 February 2016, Cameron announced a referendum date of 23
June 2016. He spoke of an intention to trigger the Article 50 process
immediately following a leave vote, and of the "two-year time period to
negotiate the arrangements for exit."
Google celebrating 135th birthday celebrations of MAX BORN
MAX BORN was born in December 11th 1882 in Breslau,
German empire (now Poland, Wroclaw).to a family of Jewish descent, father
Gustav born. Who was a professor of embryology at the University of Breslau, Max’s
mother Margarethe, She died when born was four years old.max was married
HEDWING MARTHA EHRENBERG and they had two daughters and one son
Max born initial education was at the
koning-whilhelm-gymnasium in breslam. He entered in the university education in
1901. In 1904, he came to university of Gottingen where he did his Ph.D. his
thesis were “stability of elastic in a plane and space” for that he got awarded
university’s philosophy faculty prize.
He is field of work was THEORITICAL PHYSICS. He worked as a
professor for university of Frankfurt am Main, university of Gottingen and
university of Edinburgh
He first lived in Germany after the Nazi Party came
to power in Germany, and Born, who was Jewish, was suspended. He emigrated to
the United Kingdom.
In 1954, he won the Nobel Prize in physics for the research
in quantum mechanics especially in the statistical interpretation of the wave
Max also awarded Hughes medal, max Planck medal and fellow
of the royal society.
He retired to bad pyrmont in West Germany, and he died in
hospital, Gottingen on 5th January 1970
ROBERT KOCH (1843-1910)
Full name is Robert heinrich Hermann Koch. Koch is a German
physician and microbiologist and founder of modern bacteriology. Koch was born
in clausthal, Hanover, Germany, on 11 December 1843, parents are Harman Koch, Mathilde
Julle Henrietta biewand
He is a good student in his academics and self learner and
he completed his schooling at the age of 19, excelled in science and maths. He entered
the University of Gottingen and there he is a natural science student, later he
changed to medical sciences. In 1866 January, Koch graduated from medical
school with highest distinction
In July 1867, Koch married Emma adolfine Josephine fraatz;
they had a daughter, Gertrude. Their marriage ended in 1893, later he married
actress Hedwig Freiberg
He was worked as a surgeon in Franco- purssian war and physician
in wollstein in Prussian Posen, now it is a Poland .in 1880-85, he worked as an
adviser in the imperial department of health .Koch did research to grow
bacteria in artificial lab conditions and isolating it
In 1885-1890, served as the administrator and professor at Berlin
university and in 1891 ,he become director of the Prussian
institute ,working in the field of infection diseases .Koch find the remedy for
tuberculosis but the credit goes to government he lost his patent protection
Koch main work goes in the field of bacteria culture and
isolating it in lab using nutrient solution (gelatin), he also used culture
media as potato slices, discover of the causative agent of anthrax
Koch came to India in 1884 for the research of cholera .he
find the phenomena of acquired immunity in the human body .he was
elected for the member of royal society
In 1906, Koch won the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine
for his work in with tuberculosis. He won Prussian order pour leme rite and in 1908, the Robert
Koch medal, established to Honor the greatest living physicians.
On 27 may 1910, Koch died with heart attack at Baden-Baden
at the age of 66
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